Vertebral deformities are so widespread that no one considered them a serious deviation from normal development.
In reality, however improper keeping body and spinal deformities impair breathing and circulation, hamper the normal function of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen. Most often spinal curvature is obtained when regular student loan bad posture when reading or writing or is forced for hours to sit on ranks unsuitable for height and weight. Uncomfortable situations when the body is distorted and makes hump.
In the beginning it appeared only one curve, usually in the department of thoracic spine. Later, above and below it to form two opposite curves – so the body is offset in space. Spine gradually taking shape with the letter S.
In this strain one shoulder blade together with the higher standing. Flank on the same side is sunken and protruding pelvis. After some time the ribs from the belly side of the curve is covertly push back and pull shoulder blades.
Formed is called. costal hump, which is most clearly evident when bending forward. If at this stage to start physiotherapy, completely overcome severe late deformities of the spine. Prudential looking for the parents to their children's body and if you suspect even a slight distortion, immediately seek the help of a doctor. If you miss the moment morbid changes are increasing.
Prevention of spinal curvature have children sleeping on hard beds and carry their books in rucksacks on their backs. At home and at school is better for them to be reminded to maintain proper posture while reading, writing and computer work. Lighting their work table must be strong and come from the left. In all phases of spinal curvature remedial gymnastics and games are useful.
An important condition to achieve the healing effect is to perform the exercises right, led by professionals or parents of pre-instructed.
Through natural respiratory loads, back and abdominal muscle strengthening, while the children learn proper telodarzhanie. We need more teenagers to take food rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. Alternated rhythmically to mental and physical activities. With a proven therapeutic effect in spinal deformities are swimming, summer and winter skating, skiing.
It is every day to give students an hour, hour and a half to play and sport, but not carried away to extremes. Judicious allocation of time and proper nutrition telodarzhanie ensure not only healthy spine, but a healthy body.
Orderly and well-developed body and proper body posture always wake admiration and desire our children to become strong, healthy and beautiful figure and gait. Normal body posture is upright head, the chest was released slightly forward, shoulders are drawn back, the abdomen is retracted, a strained knee. From an early age the child should be educated properly will holding the body when sitting, standing and walking.
With the increase, mainly with the development of muscles and movements of the Child form the physiological curvature of the spine and gradually built his stance. Proper body posture creates the most favorable conditions for the normal functioning of organs and systems, especially the lungs and heart.
Exercises to foster correct body posture
1. Exercise in the correct standing – the mirror of spine pulled, the gaze is forward, the abdomen is retracted, are symmetrically placed shoulders, and legs were collected.
2. The same exercise, but stand by the wall – toe, pelvis, shoulders and occiput touching the wall, the body is stretched. In this situation a few seconds left, then made a step forward, so allow 10-20 seconds, then re-loan status to the wall, etc.
3. Education of the „muscular sense" to properly telodarzhane can be done by lying down with the withdrawal of the spine. Stands in position as in exercise 2, but lying in the occipital.
4. Useful exercises are „walking with his head placed on the subject – sand bag, book bag brought in from walking the floor board (bench) and others.
Parents should remember that spinal curvature can get physically healthy children and, if long been under the influence of unfavorable factors of the external environment.
Recommendations to parents
1. Must monitor how the child sit while writing their homework! His body should be upright, head tilted slightly forward, elbows freely against the table and legs bent at a right angle in the knee joints, against a whole foot on the floor. The distance between eyes and book or notebook should be 35-40 cm
2. To accustomed to the child lying properly during sleep. The most useful situation is back with arms stretched out near the body, equal and semi-low bed with a pillow.
3. To ensure that children have books in their backpack on both shoulders, a bigger school to change the bag in his hands.
4. Carefully inspected the child in profile and full face, because it can show the parent, whether it is spinal curvature.
One should sit higher than the other, one half of the pelvis is positioned higher than the other, but the waist on one side is ironed. In order to establish an asymmetrical rear location of shoulder blade.
5. Annually to keep students in reviewing ophthalmologist. Myopia is often the cause of incorrect postures during school activities.
6. Children should play and sports, physical exercises strengthen back muscles, the physiological curves of the spine is properly formed and it becomes flexible and mobile. Recommendations sports where the body is horizontal – swimming, sports, which reinforce the sense of proper posture, skiing, skating, sports, relating to withdrawal of the spine – volleyball, basketball and handball.
7. To provide for the children varied diet, rich in mineral salts and vitamins.
Features in the methodology of physical therapy in the treatment of scoliosis
The special structure and function of the spine and treatment of various forms of spinal curvature imposed a number of peculiarities in the method of rectifying gymnastics. If they do not know and not respected, it is possible to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Funds for the treatment of spinal curvature are active and passive. Active agents are widely used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in poor posture, front-rear distortion, scoliosis in grade I and II and also to assist orthopedic, operative and postoperative treatment in distortion and III Grade IV.
Passive funds are now used mainly in severe and subject to the orthopedic and surgical treatment forms. Active and passive treatment should be combined optimally.
Any exercise to affect juvenile must meet certain requirements and to apply a certain way. If one generally exercise is to present additional requirements that affect recovery keeping body correct, it could be correctional. These requirements are determined by the form and degree of distortion being treated.
Specifics of rectifying gymnastics
1. Withdrawal of the spine is the first feature of rectifying gymnastics. It can be done actively and passively;
2. The tension of the muscles is a constant feature of kinesiterapy in the treatment of spinal curvature;
3. Not apply for relaxation exercises;
4. Removing the burden of the spine is one of the conditions for the establishment of normal disposal of vertebrae against each other;
5. When I grade is always symmetrical exercises, while II, III and IV level are given exercises and asymmetric;
6. To work closely to the mobility of the spine – the excessive flexibility may not be useful in some cases.
Therapeutic effect in spinal curvature depends on the correct selection and skillful blending of the means of physical therapy and compliance with the specific methodology. It is necessary to pay more attention to the analytical power symmetrical and asymmetrical exercises with isomeric and isotonic nature. Children with spinal curvature must be under the control of qualified doctors and physiotherapists kinesitherapists. In the extreme case classes can run block, but with the degree of distortion II and III, required to work individually.
When fixed deformities in II and III degree of distortion, the application of physical therapy is insufficient. Is it necessary to combine the use of AB corset. This combination of two methods of treatment leads to better results because of the use of a corset to give the correct position of the spine, but to be trained kinesitherapy paravertebral. (back) muscles.
The SpineCor Dynamic Corrective Brace is made up of two sections:
- The first section consists of the pelvic base (1), the crotch bands (2) and the thigh bands (3). Its role is to act as an anchoring point and support for the actions applied to the patient's trunk by the corrective elastic bands.
- The second section consists of the bolero (4) and the corrective elastic bands (5). This is the part designed to make the correction of the scoliosis curve. The fitting of the corrective bands is specific for each patient and depends on the type of curve.
The use of a bodysuit under the brace is advised:
- For hygienic reasons; it will help to keep the brace cleaner for longer
- To add comfort; it will provide a barrier between the brace and your body, reducing the likelihood of the brace rubbing.
- To facilitate going to the toilet; you only need to detach the snaps of the crotch bands and those of the bodysuit, avoiding removal of the brace.
Biomechanical and medical requirements for corrective corsets (ACF).
1. ACF must unload the spine in the longitudinal axis of the forces of gravity;
2. ACF should be designed so as to make the backbone deformation and corrected to prevent a natatachen progress of the disease;
3. ACF should allow only movements of the spine only in a direction that contributes to the distortion correction;
4. ACF should be constructed so as not to restrict sovbodnite movements of the upper and lower extremities;
5. ACF shall be constructed so as to permit training of paravertebralnata (dorsal) musculature;
6. ACF should have good external aesthetic appearance.
Principle of operation of the remedial corset (ACF)
Corsets corrective action based on three or four asymmetric forces acting in the same plane. The main corrective forces are divided into – horizontal, vertical and mixed-acting. Forces are applied in horizontal direction are most effective in a distortion angle of 20 ⁰ in Kobb in distortion between 20 ⁰ and 40 ⁰ most effective are mixed (horizontal and vertical direction of action) and at an angle greater than 40 ⁰ in Kobb most effective correction is obtained by applying a vertical force acting. The latter is effective and deformities of the spine, where the top of the distortion is highly placed (in the upper thoracic departments a share).
Negative sides of SpineCor
Korsetolechenieto negative aspects in the following:
1. Discomfort of wearing a corset 24 hours – corset be worn around the clock;
2. Psychological – children may be subject to mocked by their classmates and friends;
3. Allergic reactions to the material of corset;
4. Hipotrofy hipotonus and the muscles of the chest;
5. Possible occurrence of bruises and wounds – if not well-designed corset;
6. Trouble heat and sweating and others.
Physiotherapy in treatment with a SpineCor
To be successful treatment of spinal curvature, must be combined with stays and treatment with appropriate kinesiterapy program. There are two methods of physical therapy. In the first corset be worn during gym rectifying and with the second he be removed as they perform exercises. The tasks in this period – the construction of proper posture, strengthening paravertebral. and abdominal muscles, recovery of muscle imbalance, alleviating function of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, improve balance and coordination, prevention or treatment of deformities, correction of asymmetry in length the lower limbs and others. In II and III degree spinal curvature need an individual approach and treatment, continuous surveillance by the treating orthopedist, orthopedic technician and kinesitherapyst. Remember one! – Treatment is always combined and should not be relied upon or corset only rectifying gymnastics.
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